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Mini Big Ben At Night London Counted...
This Big Ben At Night Mini cross-stitch pattern is a modern cross stitch full coverage pattern. Depicting the Big Ben in London, this pattern is smaller than my typical cross stitch patterns.This high-quality counted cross stitch pattern is easy to follow and, upon completion, will be a beautiful piece of art to decorate your home or to give as a memorable gift.This is a digital product that will be downloadable after purchase.This pattern works great with the Pattern Keeper app.Stitch Count: 70 x 100DMC Colors Used: 19Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric.
You'll need extra fabric around the stitched pattern to allow for framing needs. The following table calculates how much fabric you'll need for this specific pattern based on the fabric count you choose and how much extra framing fabric you want.
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
5" X 8"
9" x 12"
11" x 14"
18 ct
4" X 6"
8" x 10"
10" x 12"
25 ct
3" x 4"
7" x 8"
9" x 10"
28 ct
3" x 4"
7" x 8"
9" x 10"
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length usedThis PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.
Digital PDF Download will be available from the sales page directly after purchasing or via a download link sent via email. PDF Files integrate well with the app Pattern Keeper if needed.

Queen Elizabeth Monochrome Counted Cross Stitch Pattern...
This pattern was created to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee in 2022. This is a digital download!! Instant PDF Download Ready For Pattern KeeperEasy cross stitch, modern cross stitch, Counted cross stitchStitch Count - 349 x 327DMC Colors Used: 1The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out. However, you can choose any color fabric you'd like!Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest half-inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 10.5" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric. Don't forget to add at least a few inches to the overall width and length of the fabric to give yourself enough room for framing!Fabric Area Stitched:14 Ct Fabric - 25" X 23.5"18 Ct Fabric - 19.5" X 18.5"25 Ct Fabric - 14" x 13.5"Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length usedThis PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.

European Greek City Street Monochrome Cross Stitch...
This cross-stitch pattern depicts a dusty street off the beaten path in a Greek city. I also created a slightly smaller pattern that can be found here. Do you use Pattern Keeper? This pattern (and all of the rest of my patterns) work great in that app!The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out.This is not a full-coverage cross stitch pattern. Stitching only the black parts on a light-colored fabric.This is a fun stitch. It goes fast because you're using just one color. Moreover, once you've finished this cross stitch pattern, your friends and family won't believe it's cross stitch! The unique method of making this pattern gives it a 3-D look that will boggle your mind. You've never stitched anything like this.Stitch Count: 332 x 450How much fabric do you need? Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric.
You'll need extra fabric around the stitched pattern to allow for framing needs. The following table calculates how much fabric you'll need for this specific pattern based on the fabric count you choose and how much extra framing fabric you want.
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
24" x 33"
28" x 37"
30" x 39"
18 ct
19" x 25"
23" x 29"
25" x 31"
25 ct
14" x 18"
18" x 22"
20" x 24"
28 ct
12" x 17"
16" x 21"
18" x 23"
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length usedThis PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.
Digital PDF Download will be available from the sales page directly after purchasing or via a download link sent via email. PDF Files integrate well with the app Pattern Keeper if needed.

King Charles III Cross Stitch Pattern |...
King Charles III is soon to be coronated the King of England. This beautiful pattern is a tribute to the monarch. This counted cross stitch pattern is easy to follow and, upon completion, will be a beautiful piece of art to decorate your home or to give as a memorable gift. You will not find a better-looking, higher quality cross stitch pattern of King Charles III.This is a digital download!! Instant PDF Download Ready For Pattern KeeperEasy cross stitch, modern cross stitch, Counted cross stitchStitch Count - 304 x 440DMC Colors Used: 1The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out. However, you can choose any color fabric you'd like!
Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric.
You'll need extra fabric around the stitched pattern to allow for framing needs. The following table calculates how much fabric you'll need for this specific pattern based on the fabric count you choose and how much extra framing fabric you want.
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
22 X 32"
26" x 36"
28" x 38"
18 ct
17" X 25"
21" x 29"
23" x 31"
25 ct
13" x 18"
17" x 22"
19" x 24"
28 ct
11" x 16"
15" x 20"
17" x 22"
Included in this easy-to read pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length used
Choose one of two formats below:
Digital PDF Download will be available from the sales page directly after purchasing or via a download link sent via email. PDF Files integrate well with the app Pattern Keeper if needed.
Physical Patterns are shipped via the options you selected. You will get a physical version of the pattern which includes a paper pattern sealed in plastic packaging
You will not be able to have both versions of the chart unless you specifically pay for both versions (i.e. if you buy the physical pattern you can't ask to also have the digital pdf file without purchasing that as well)

Bagpipes Scottish Counted Cross-Stitch Pattern | Monochrome...
Bagpipes is a counted cross stitch pattern that highlights the beauty of the traditional Bagpipe musical instrument from Scotland. The pattern is very easy to read and would make a lovely addition to any stitcher's collection!This is a digital download that also works in the Pattern Keeper app.Stitch Count - 177 x 237DMC Colors Used: 1The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out. However, you can choose any color fabric you'd like!Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric. Don't forget to add at least a few inches to the overall width and length of the fabric to give yourself enough room for framing!
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
13" x 17"
17" x 21"
19" x 23"
18 ct
10" x 14"
14" x 18"
16" x 20"
25 ct
8" x 10"
12" x 14"
14" x 16"
28 ct
7" x 9"
11" x 13"
13" x 15"
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length usedThis PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.
Digital PDF Download will be available from the sales page directly after purchasing or via a download link sent via email. PDF Files integrate well with the app Pattern Keeper if needed.
Monochrome cross-stitch patterns can be quite intricate and beautiful, even with the limitation of using just one color. The shading and depth in the design are achieved by using different shades and intensities of the chosen color, as well as varying the density and direction of the stitches. This type of pattern is often used to create subtle and sophisticated pieces of embroidery, and it's a great choice for those who prefer a minimalist or monochromatic aesthetic.

Basilica Cross Stitch Pattern | Architecture Monochrome...
This monochrome Basilica is a counted cross stitch pattern that will be both easy to stitch and quick. The pattern is very easy to read and is suitable for even a beginner cross-stitch enthusiast.
In Ancient Rome, basilicas were large, multifunctional public buildings near the town's forum, equivalent to Greek stoas. Post-Nicene, they became the standard for Christian worship spaces across the Mediterranean and Europe. While still prevalent in church architecture across various Christian denominations in Europe and the Americas, their dominance has waned since the late 20th century. The Catholic Church now uses "basilica" mainly for historically significant churches, regardless of architectural style.This is a digital download that also works in the Pattern Keeper app.Stitch Count - 380 x 280DMC Colors Used: 1The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out. However, you can choose any color fabric you'd like!Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric. You'll need extra fabric around the pattern to allow for framing needs.
The following table calculates how much fabric you'll need for this specific pattern based on the fabric count you choose and how much extra framing fabric you want.
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
28" x 20"
32" x 24"
34" x 26"
18 ct
22" x 16"
26" x 20"
28" x 22"
25 ct
16" x 12"
20" x 16"
22" x 18"
28 ct
14" x 10"
18" x 14"
20" x 16"
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length usedThis PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.Digital PDF Download will be available from the sales page directly after purchasing or via a download link sent via email. PDF Files integrate well with the app Pattern Keeper if needed. Monochrome cross-stitch patterns can be quite intricate and beautiful, even with the limitation of using just one color. The shading and depth in the design are achieved by using different shades and intensities of the chosen color, as well as varying the density and direction of the stitches. This type of pattern is often used to create subtle and sophisticated pieces of embroidery, and it's a great choice for those who prefer a minimalist or monochromatic aesthetic.

Eiffel Tower Counted Cross Stitch Pattern |...
This Eiffel Tower cross-stitch pattern is stitched with just one color. This blackwork cross stitch pattern depicts one of the most famous landmark buildings in all of Europe and the world.
I designed this piece so that only one color floss is needed for completion. This is not full coverage. Only stitch the dark stitches and allow the fabric to provide depth and detail.This pattern is compatible with the Pattern Keeper app.
Stitch Count: 139 x 550
DMC Colors Used: 1 - Pick any dark color to stitch over a lighter color fabric!
Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric.
You'll need extra fabric around the stitched pattern to allow for framing needs. The following table calculates how much fabric you'll need for this specific pattern based on the fabric count you choose and how much extra framing fabric you want.
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
10" X 40"
14" x 44"
16" x 46"
18 ct
8" X 31"
12" x 35"
14" x 37"
25 ct
6" x 22"
10" x 26"
12" x 28"
28 ct
5" x 20"
9" x 24"
11" x 26"
Included in this easy-to read pattern:- version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length used
Digital PDF Download will be available from the sales page directly after purchasing or via a download link sent via email. PDF Files integrate well with the app Pattern Keeper if needed.

Ancient Rome Coliseum Italy Counted Cross Stitch...
This counted cross stitch pattern depicts the Coliseum from Ancient Rome that still stands in Italy today. This cross-stitch pattern is easy to read and suitable for an intermediate cross stitch enthusiast that is comfortable with larger patterns.This is a digital download that also works in the Pattern Keeper app.Stitch Count - 352 x 231DMC Colors Used: 1The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out. However, you can choose any color fabric you'd like!Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric. Don't forget to add at least a few inches to the overall width and length of the fabric to give yourself enough room for framing!
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
26" x 17"
30" x 21"
32" x 23"
18 ct
20" x 13"
24" x 17"
26" x 19"
25 ct
15" x 10"
19" x 14"
21" x 16"
28 ct
13" x 9"
17" x 13"
19" x 15"
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length usedThis PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.Monochrome cross-stitch patterns can be quite intricate and beautiful, even with the limitation of using just one color. The shading and depth in the design are achieved by using different shades and intensities of the chosen color, as well as varying the density and direction of the stitches. This type of pattern is often used to create subtle and sophisticated pieces of embroidery, and it's a great choice for those who prefer a minimalist or monochromatic aesthetic.

French Stamp Art Counted Cross Stitch Pattern...
This counted cross stitch pattern depicts a young girl on a French Stamp.. It is a full coverage pattern so your fabric will not be seen in the pattern.This is a digital download that also works in the Pattern Keeper app.Stitch Count - 220 x 240DMC Colors Used: 38Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric. You'll need extra fabric around the pattern to allow for framing needs. The following table calculates how much fabric you'll need for this specific pattern based on the fabric count you choose and how much extra framing fabric you want.
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
16" x 18"
20" x 22"
22" x 24"
18 ct
13" x 14"
17" x 18"
19" x 20"
25 ct
9" x 10"
13" x 14"
15" x 16"
28 ct
8" x 9"
12" x 13"
14" x 15"
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length usedThis PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.Digital PDF Download will be available from the sales page directly after purchasing or via a download link sent via email. PDF Files integrate well with the app Pattern Keeper if needed.

Notre Dame Cathedral Cross Stitch Pattern |...
The Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, France is one of the most iconic buildings in the entire world. Although it is currently closed as it undergoes extensive repairs and renovation following the massive fire from a few years ago, it still stands as one of the most beautiful structures that man has ever built.Do you use Pattern Keeper? This pattern (and all of the rest of my patterns) work great in that app!The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out.This is not a full-coverage cross stitch pattern. Stitching only the black parts on a light-colored fabric.This is a fun stitch. It goes fast because you're using just one color. Moreover, once you've finished this cross stitch pattern, your friends and family won't believe it's cross stitch! The unique method of making this pattern gives it a 3-D look that will boggle your mind. You've never stitched anything like this.Stitch Count: 324 x 413How much fabric do you need? Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric.
You'll need extra fabric around the stitched pattern to allow for framing needs. The following table calculates how much fabric you'll need for this specific pattern based on the fabric count you choose and how much extra framing fabric you want.
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
24 X 30"
28" x 34"
30" x 36"
18 ct
19" X 24"
23" x 28"
25" x 30"
25 ct
14" x 17"
18" x 21"
20" x 23"
28 ct
12" x 15"
16" x 19"
18" x 21"
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length usedThis PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.
Digital PDF Download will be available from the sales page directly after purchasing or via a download link sent via email. PDF Files integrate well with the app Pattern Keeper if needed.

Prince William Cross Stitch Pattern | Royalty...
This cross stitch pattern depicts Prince William and Princess Kate kissing after their royal wedding in the UK. An iconic photo turned into an exquisite and unique cross stitch pattern.This high-quality, counted cross stitch pattern is easy to follow and, upon completion, will be a beautiful piece of art to decorate your home or to give as a memorable gift.Easy cross stitch, modern cross stitch, Counted cross stitchStitch Count - 380 x 300DMC Colors Used: 1The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out. However, you can choose any color fabric you'd like!Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric.
You'll need extra fabric around the stitched pattern to allow for framing needs. The following table calculates how much fabric you'll need for this specific pattern based on the fabric count you choose and how much extra framing fabric you want.
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
28" x 22"
32" x 26"
34" x 28"
18 ct
22" x 17"
26" x 21"
28" x 23"
25 ct
16" x 12"
20" x 16"
22" x 18"
28 ct
14" x 11"
18" x 15"
20" x 17"
Included in this easy-to read pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length used
Digital PDF Download will be available from the sales page directly after purchasing or via a download link sent via email. PDF Files integrate well with the app Pattern Keeper if needed.

London City Map Cross Stitch Pattern |...
Would you like to cross-stitch a street map of London? This high-quality, counted cross stitch pattern is easy to follow and, upon completion, will be a beautiful piece of art to decorate your home or to give as a memorable gift.Easy cross stitch, modern cross stitch, Counted cross stitchStitch Count - 307 x 450DMC Colors Used: 1The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out. However, you can choose any color fabric you'd like!
Easy cross stitch, modern cross stitch, Counted cross stitchStitch Count - 304 x 440DMC Colors Used: 1The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out. However, you can choose any color fabric you'd like!
Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric.
You'll need extra fabric around the stitched pattern to allow for framing needs. The following table calculates how much fabric you'll need for this specific pattern based on the fabric count you choose and how much extra framing fabric you want.
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
22 X 32"
26" x 36"
28" x 38"
18 ct
17" X 25"
21" x 29"
23" x 31"
25 ct
13" x 18"
17" x 22"
19" x 24"
28 ct
11" x 16"
15" x 20"
17" x 22"
Included in this easy-to read pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length used
Choose one of two formats below:
Digital PDF Download will be available from the sales page directly after purchasing or via a download link sent via email. PDF Files integrate well with the app Pattern Keeper if needed.
Physical Patterns are shipped via the options you selected. You will get a physical version of the pattern which includes a paper pattern sealed in plastic packaging
You will not be able to have both versions of the chart unless you specifically pay for both versions (i.e. if you buy the physical pattern you can't ask to also have the digital pdf file without purchasing that as well)

Champs-Elysees Arc de Triomphe Paris France Architecture...
This is a counted cross stitch pattern that depicts the Arc de Triomphe on the Avenue des Champs-Élysées in Paris France. It is one of the most famous monuments in the world.
This counted cross-stitch pattern only uses full cross-stitches and has a very easy to read layout. You are only stitching the one color of dark floss.
This is a digital download that also works in the Pattern Keeper app.
Stitch Count - 235 x 236
DMC Colors Used: 1
The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out. However, you can choose any color fabric you'd like!
Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric. Don't forget to add at least a few inches to the overall width and length of the fabric to give yourself enough room for framing!
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
17" x 17"
21" x 21"
23" x 23"
18 ct
13" x 14"
17" x 18"
19" x 20
25 ct
10" x 10"
14" x 14"
16" x 16"
28 ct
9" x 9"
13" x 13"
15" x 15"
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length used
This PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.
Monochrome cross-stitch patterns can be quite intricate and beautiful, even with the limitation of using just one color. The shading and depth in the design are achieved by using different shades and intensities of the chosen color, as well as varying the density and direction of the stitches. This type of pattern is often used to create subtle and sophisticated pieces of embroidery, and it's a great choice for those who prefer a minimalist or monochromatic aesthetic.

Gladiator Cycles Poster French Vintage Counted Cross-Stitch...
This Gladiator Cycles Poster is a counted cross-stitch pattern that depicts the famous French image promoting Gladiator Cycles.
This IS a full-coverage cross-stitch pattern that is wonderfully detailed and big enough to serve as a beautiful piece of art for your home.
The pattern is very easy to read and uses only full cross-stitches.
This is a digital download that also works in the Pattern Keeper app.
Stitch Count - 330 x 220
DMC Colors Used: 39
Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric. Don't forget to add at least a few inches to the overall width and length of the fabric to give yourself enough room for framing!
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
24" x 16"
28" x 20"
30" x 22"
18 ct
19" x 13"
23" x 17"
25" x 19"
25 ct
14" x 9
18" x 13"
20" x 15"
28 ct
12" x 8"
16" x 12"
18" x 14"
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length used
This PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.

Eiffel Tower Medium Monochrome Counted Cross-Stitch Pattern...
This counted cross-stitch pattern of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France has a very easy to read pattern and is suitable for a intermediate stitcher. It uses only full cross stitches.Monochrome counted cross-stitch patterns in the Stitching Jules Design store are organized as follows:**Premium - the largest, most detailed monochrome patterns**Medium - smaller version of a Premium pattern; has less than 40% of the stitching done in the Premium version**Mini - smallest versions of monochrome cross-stitch patternsThis is a digital download that also works in the Pattern Keeper app.Stitch Count - 67 x 264DMC Colors Used: 1The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out. However, you can choose any color fabric you'd like!Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric. Don't forget to add at least a few inches to the overall width and length of the fabric to give yourself enough room for framing!
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
5" x 19"
9" x 23"
11" x 25"
18 ct
4" x 15"
8" x 19"
10" x 21"
25 ct
3" x 11"
7" x 15"
9" x 17"
28 ct
3" x 10"
7" x 14"
9" x 16"
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length usedThis PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.Monochrome cross-stitch patterns can be quite intricate and beautiful, even with the limitation of using just one color. The shading and depth in the design are achieved by using different shades and intensities of the chosen color, as well as varying the density and direction of the stitches. This type of pattern is often used to create subtle and sophisticated pieces of embroidery, and it's a great choice for those who prefer a minimalist or monochromatic aesthetic.

Tournee Du Chat Noir French Cat Cross...
Tournee Du Chat Noir French Cat Cross Stitch Embroidery Needlepoint Pattern PDF Download - Ready For Pattern KeeperThis is a beautiful cross stitch design that will look amazing in your home once completed. Your friends and family will not believe that you stitched it.This cross stitch pattern is full coverage.This pattern's digital download also works in Pattern Keeper Easy cross stitch, modern cross stitch, Counted cross stitchDMC Colors Used: 24Stitch Count: 193 x 276Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest half-inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 10.5" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric.
Don't forget to add at least a few inches to the overall width and length of the fabric to give yourself enough room for framing!14 ct Fabric: 14" x 20" 18 ct Fabric: 11" x 15.5"25 ct Fabric: 8" x 11"Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length usedThis PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.

Abbey Architecture Monochrome Counted Cross Stitch Pattern...
This monochrome Abby Cellar is a counted cross stitch pattern that will be both easy to stitch and quick. The pattern is very easy to read and is suitable for an experienced cross-stitch enthusiast.
This is a digital download that also works in the Pattern Keeper app.
Stitch Count - 354 x 488
DMC Colors Used: 1
The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out. However, you can choose any color fabric you'd like!
Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric. Don't forget to add at least a few inches to the overall width and length of the fabric to give yourself enough room for framing!
Basic Pattern14 ct Fabric - 26" x 35"18 ct Fabric - 20" x 28"25 ct Fabric - 15" x 20"
3" Extra Fabric Added For Framing14 ct Fabric - 32" x 41"18 ct Fabric - 26" x 34"25 ct Fabric - 21" x 26"
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length used
This PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.
Monochrome cross-stitch patterns can be quite intricate and beautiful, even with the limitation of using just one color. The shading and depth in the design are achieved by using different shades and intensities of the chosen color, as well as varying the density and direction of the stitches. This type of pattern is often used to create subtle and sophisticated pieces of embroidery, and it's a great choice for those who prefer a minimalist or monochromatic aesthetic.

Amsterdam Netherlands Europe City Map Monochrome Blackwork...
This City Of Amsterdam Street Map is a monochrome counted cross-stitch pattern highlighting the city layout of one of Europe's most famous capitals. The pattern is very easy to read and uses only full cross-stitches. You are stitching one color of floss onto a light-colored fabric so you are doing less stitches than you may think.
This is a digital download that also works in the Pattern Keeper app.
Stitch Count - 305 x 430
DMC Colors Used: 1
The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out. However, you can choose any color fabric you'd like!
Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric. Don't forget to add at least a few inches to the overall width and length of the fabric to give yourself enough room for framing!
Basic Pattern14 ct Fabric - 22" x 31"18 ct Fabric - 17" x 24"25 ct Fabric - 13" x 18"
3" Of Extra Fabric Added For Framing14 ct Fabric - 28" x 37"18 ct Fabric - 23" x 30"25 ct Fabric - 19" x 24"
Dimensions are round up to nearest full inch to help ensure enough fabric is used
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length used
This PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.
Monochrome cross-stitch patterns can be quite intricate and beautiful, even with the limitation of using just one color. The shading and depth in the design are achieved by using different shades and intensities of the chosen color, as well as varying the density and direction of the stitches. This type of pattern is often used to create subtle and sophisticated pieces of embroidery, and it's a great choice for those who prefer a minimalist or monochromatic aesthetic.

Mini Piazza Italy European Counted Cross-Stitch Pattern...
This Piazza is a counted cross stitch pattern that will be both easy to stitch and quick. The pattern is very easy to read and is suitable for even a beginner cross-stitch enthusiast.
This is a digital download that also works in the Pattern Keeper app.
Stitch Count - 110 x 110
DMC Colors Used: 25
Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric. Don't forget to add at least a few inches to the overall width and length of the fabric to give yourself enough room for framing!
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
8" x 8"
12" x 12"
14" x 14"
18 ct
7" x 7"
11" x 11"
13" x 13"
25 ct
5" x 5"
9" x 9"
11" x 11"
28 ct
4" x 4"
8" x 8"
10" x 10"
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length used
This PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.

Mini Venice Canal Italy European Watercolor Counted...
Mini Venice Canal is a counted cross-stitch pattern. It depicts the Venice Canal in Italy with a gondola floating on the canal. This artistic watercolor image translates very well once stitched. It will look amazing!
My patterns are always easy to read and use only full cross-stitches making them suitable for most stitchers of any level.
This is a digital download that also works in the Pattern Keeper app.
Stitch Count - 70 x 120
DMC Colors Used: 33
Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric. Don't forget to add at least a few inches to the overall width and length of the fabric to give yourself enough room for framing!
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
5" x 9"
9" x 13"
11" x 15"
18 ct
4" x 7"
8" x 11"
10" x 13"
25 ct
3" x 5"
7" x 9"
9" x 11"
28 ct
3" x 5"
7" x 9"
9" x 11"
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length used
This PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.

Old World Street Counted Cross Stitch Pattern...
This monochrome Old World Side Street is a counted cross stitch pattern that depicts the look of a street in Europe showing the weathered walls and balconies of very old buildings.
This is a digital download that also works in the Pattern Keeper app.Stitch Count - 268 x 450DMC Colors Used: 1The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out. However, you can choose any color fabric you'd like!Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric. Don't forget to add at least a few inches to the overall width and length of the fabric to give yourself enough room for framing!
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
20" x 33"
24" x 37"
26" x 39"
18 ct
15" x 25"
19" x 29"
21" x 31"
25 ct
11" x 18"
15" x 22"
17" x 24"
28 ct
10" x 17"
14" x 21"
16" x 23"
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length usedThis PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.Monochrome cross-stitch patterns can be quite intricate and beautiful, even with the limitation of using just one color. The shading and depth in the design are achieved by using different shades and intensities of the chosen color, as well as varying the density and direction of the stitches. This type of pattern is often used to create subtle and sophisticated pieces of embroidery, and it's a great choice for those who prefer a minimalist or monochromatic aesthetic.

Roman Soldier Counted Cross Stitch Pattern |...
This monochrome Roman Soldier is a counted cross stitch pattern that will be both easy to stitch and quick. The pattern is very easy to read and is suitable for even a beginner cross-stitch enthusiast.This is a digital download that also works in the Pattern Keeper app.Stitch Count - 185 x 240DMC Colors Used: 1The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out. However, you can choose any color fabric you'd like!Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric. You'll need extra fabric around the pattern to allow for framing needs.
The following table calculates how much fabric you'll need for this specific pattern based on the fabric count you choose and how much extra framing fabric you want.
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
14" x 18"
18" x 22"
20" x 24"
18 ct
11" x 14"
15" x 18"
17" x 20"
25 ct
8" x 10"
12" x 14"
14' x 16"
28 ct
7" x 9"
11" x 13"
13" x 15"
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length usedThis PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.Digital PDF Download will be available from the sales page directly after purchasing or via a download link sent via email. PDF Files integrate well with the app Pattern Keeper if needed. Monochrome cross-stitch patterns can be quite intricate and beautiful, even with the limitation of using just one color. The shading and depth in the design are achieved by using different shades and intensities of the chosen color, as well as varying the density and direction of the stitches. This type of pattern is often used to create subtle and sophisticated pieces of embroidery, and it's a great choice for those who prefer a minimalist or monochromatic aesthetic.

Paris Street Map Counted Cross Stitch Pattern...
Looking for a challenging but fun cross-stitch pattern? Follow this easy-to-read pattern to stitch up a replication of a street map of the city of Paris, France.Do you use Pattern Keeper? This pattern (and all of the rest of my patterns) work great in that app!The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out.This is not a full-coverage cross stitch pattern. Stitching only the black parts on a light-colored fabric.This is a fun stitch. It goes fast because you're using just one color. Moreover, once you've finished this cross stitch pattern, your friends and family won't believe it's cross stitch! The unique method of making this pattern gives it a 3-D look that will boggle your mind. You've never stitched anything like this.Stitch Count: 307 x 438Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric.
You'll need extra fabric around the stitched pattern to allow for framing needs. The following table calculates how much fabric you'll need for this specific pattern based on the fabric count you choose and how much extra framing fabric you want.
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
22 X 32"
26" x 36"
28" x 38"
18 ct
17" X 25"
21" x 29"
23" x 31"
25 ct
13" x 18"
17" x 22"
19" x 24"
28 ct
11" x 16"
15" x 20"
17" x 22"
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length usedThis PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.Digital PDF Download will be available from the sales page directly after purchasing or via a download link sent via email. PDF Files integrate well with the app Pattern Keeper if needed.

Palau de les Arts Counted Cross Stitch...
Palau de les Arts Cross Stitch Pattern | Valencia Cross Stitch Pattern | Spain Cross Stitch Pattern
The Palau de les Arts is an opera house and performing arts complex located in Valencia, Spain.Counted cross stitch pattern| Easy cross stitch | Beginner Cross StitchThis cross stitch pattern is not full coverage. Your fabric will show around the pattern.This pattern's digital download also works in Pattern KeeperEasy cross stitch, modern cross stitch, Counted cross stitchDMC Colors Used: 25Stitch Count: 250 x 110Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest half-inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 10.5" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric.Don't forget to add at least a few inches to the overall width and length of the fabric to give yourself enough room for framing!14 ct Fabric: 18" x 8"18 ct Fabric: 14" x 6.5"25 ct Fabric: 10" x 5"Included in this easy-to read pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length used
Digital PDF Download will be available from the sales page directly after purchasing or via a download link sent via email. PDF Files integrate well with the app Pattern Keeper if needed.

Europe Cross Stitch Pattern | European Landmarks...
Europe Cross Stitch Pattern | European Landmarks | Eiffel Tower | Coliseum | Cross Stitch Pattern | PDF DownloadThis high-quality counted cross stitch pattern is easy to follow and, upon completion, will be a beautiful piece of art to decorate your home or to give as a memorable gift.This is a digital product that will be downloadable after purchase.This pattern works great with Pattern Keeper.DMC Colors Used: 23Stitch Count: 230 x 100Looking for a smaller version of this pattern? Check the Mini section of my store for the same pattern but at less than half the size!Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest half-inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 10.5" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric.
Don't forget to add at least a few inches to the overall width and length of the fabric to give yourself enough room for framing!14 ct Fabric: 16.5" x 7.5" 18 ct Fabric: 13" x 5.5"25 ct Fabric: 9.5" x 4"Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length usedThis PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.