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Last Supper Da Vinci Counted Cross Stitch...
The Last Supper counted cross stitch pattern is a replica of the famous, iconic painting by Leonardo da Vinci but done in an entirely new way. This monochrome cross stitch pattern, utilizing a single color of floss, offers a timeless, elegant design that is both modern and sophisticated, perfect for any decor.This is a digital download that also works in the Pattern Keeper app.Stitch Count - 632 x 286DMC Colors Used: 1The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out. However, you can choose any color fabric you'd like!Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric. You'll need extra fabric around the pattern to allow for framing needs. The following table calculates how much fabric you'll need for this specific pattern based on the fabric count you choose and how much extra framing fabric you want.
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
46" x 21"
50" x 25"
52" x 27"
18 ct
36" x 16"
40" x 20"
42" x 22"
25 ct
26" x 12"
30" x 16"
32" x 18"
28 ct
23" x 11"
27" x 15"
29" x 17
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length usedThis PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.Digital PDF Download will be available from the sales page directly after purchasing or via a download link sent via email. PDF Files integrate well with the app Pattern Keeper if needed. Monochrome cross-stitch patterns can be quite intricate and beautiful, even with the limitation of using just one color. The shading and depth in the design are achieved by using different shades and intensities of the chosen color, as well as varying the density and direction of the stitches. This type of pattern is often used to create subtle and sophisticated pieces of embroidery, and it's a great choice for those who prefer a minimalist or monochromatic aesthetic.

European Greek City Street Monochrome Cross Stitch...
This cross-stitch pattern depicts a dusty street off the beaten path in a Greek city. I also created a slightly smaller pattern that can be found here. Do you use Pattern Keeper? This pattern (and all of the rest of my patterns) work great in that app!The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out.This is not a full-coverage cross stitch pattern. Stitching only the black parts on a light-colored fabric.This is a fun stitch. It goes fast because you're using just one color. Moreover, once you've finished this cross stitch pattern, your friends and family won't believe it's cross stitch! The unique method of making this pattern gives it a 3-D look that will boggle your mind. You've never stitched anything like this.Stitch Count: 332 x 450How much fabric do you need? Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric.
You'll need extra fabric around the stitched pattern to allow for framing needs. The following table calculates how much fabric you'll need for this specific pattern based on the fabric count you choose and how much extra framing fabric you want.
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
24" x 33"
28" x 37"
30" x 39"
18 ct
19" x 25"
23" x 29"
25" x 31"
25 ct
14" x 18"
18" x 22"
20" x 24"
28 ct
12" x 17"
16" x 21"
18" x 23"
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length usedThis PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.
Digital PDF Download will be available from the sales page directly after purchasing or via a download link sent via email. PDF Files integrate well with the app Pattern Keeper if needed.

Native American Warrior Monochrome Counted Cross Stitch...
Native American Warrior Tribal Monochrome Black White Counted Cross Stitch Pattern PDF Digital Download Pattern Keeper ReadyThis high-quality, counted cross stitch pattern is easy to follow and, upon completion, will be a beautiful piece of art to decorate your home or to give as a memorable gift.Easy cross stitch, modern cross stitch, Counted cross stitchStitch Count - 350 x 449DMC Colors Used: 1The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out. However, you can choose any color fabric you'd like!Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest half-inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 10.5" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric.
Don't forget to add at least a few inches to the overall width and length of the fabric to give yourself enough room for framing!Fabric Area Stitched:14 Ct Fabric - 25" X 32.5"18 Ct Fabric - 19.5" X 22"25 Ct Fabric - 14" x 18"Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length usedThis PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.

Wolf in Disguise Premium Monochrome Counted Cross-Stitch...
The "Wolf In Disguise" counted cross-stitch pattern uses only full cross-stitches and one color of DMC floss to create a very detailed and unique piece of needleart. This is very straight-forward pattern that includes directions. It's suitable for a cross-stitch enthusiast who is comfortable with larger projects.
This is a digital download that also works in the Pattern Keeper app.
Stitch Count - 224 x 240
DMC Colors Used: 1
The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out. However, you can choose any color fabric you'd like!
Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric. Don't forget to add at least a few inches to the overall width and length of the fabric to give yourself enough room for framing!
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
16" x 18"
20" x 22"
22" x 24"
18 ct
13" x 14"
17" x 18"
19" x 20"
25 ct
9" x 10"
13" x 14"
15" x 16"
28 ct
8" x 9"
12" x 13"
14" x 15"
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length used
This PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.
Monochrome cross-stitch patterns can be quite intricate and beautiful, even with the limitation of using just one color. The shading and depth in the design are achieved by using different shades and intensities of the chosen color, as well as varying the density and direction of the stitches. This type of pattern is often used to create subtle and sophisticated pieces of embroidery, and it's a great choice for those who prefer a minimalist or monochromatic aesthetic.

Wolf Monochrome Counted Cross Stitch | Instant...
Wolf Monochromatic Cross Stitch Digital Downloadable PatternI designed this piece so that only one color floss is needed for completion. This is not full coverage. Only stitch the dark stitches and allow the fabric to provide depth and detail.Easy cross stitch, modern cross stitch, Counted cross stitchStitch Count: 170 x 260Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest half-inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 10.5" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric. Don't forget to add at least a few inches to the overall width and length of the fabric to give yourself enough room for framing!14 Ct Fabric - 12.5" X 19"18 Ct Fabric - 9.5" X 14.5"25 Ct Fabric - 7" x 10.5"
DMC Colors Used: 1 - Pick any dark color to stitch over a lighter color fabric!Included in this easy-to read pattern:- picture of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length used

Bagpipes Scottish Counted Cross-Stitch Pattern | Monochrome...
Bagpipes is a counted cross stitch pattern that highlights the beauty of the traditional Bagpipe musical instrument from Scotland. The pattern is very easy to read and would make a lovely addition to any stitcher's collection!This is a digital download that also works in the Pattern Keeper app.Stitch Count - 177 x 237DMC Colors Used: 1The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out. However, you can choose any color fabric you'd like!Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric. Don't forget to add at least a few inches to the overall width and length of the fabric to give yourself enough room for framing!
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
13" x 17"
17" x 21"
19" x 23"
18 ct
10" x 14"
14" x 18"
16" x 20"
25 ct
8" x 10"
12" x 14"
14" x 16"
28 ct
7" x 9"
11" x 13"
13" x 15"
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length usedThis PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.
Digital PDF Download will be available from the sales page directly after purchasing or via a download link sent via email. PDF Files integrate well with the app Pattern Keeper if needed.
Monochrome cross-stitch patterns can be quite intricate and beautiful, even with the limitation of using just one color. The shading and depth in the design are achieved by using different shades and intensities of the chosen color, as well as varying the density and direction of the stitches. This type of pattern is often used to create subtle and sophisticated pieces of embroidery, and it's a great choice for those who prefer a minimalist or monochromatic aesthetic.

Border Collie Counted Cross Stitch Pattern |...
This monochrome Border Collie is a counted cross stitch pattern that is very easy to read. This Border Collie pattern is the latest in a series of dog breed patterns that can be found in the store. This is a digital download that also works in the Pattern Keeper app.Stitch Count - 280 x 208DMC Colors Used: 1The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out. However, you can choose any color fabric you'd like!Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric. Don't forget to add at least a few inches to the overall width and length of the fabric to give yourself enough room for framing!
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
20" x 15"
24" x 19"
26" x 21"
18 ct
16" x 12"
20" x 16"
22" x 18"
25 ct
12" x 9"
16" x 13"
18" x 15"
28 ct
10" x 8"
14" x 12"
16" x 14"
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length usedThis PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.Monochrome cross-stitch patterns can be quite intricate and beautiful, even with the limitation of using just one color. The shading and depth in the design are achieved by using different shades and intensities of the chosen color, as well as varying the density and direction of the stitches. This type of pattern is often used to create subtle and sophisticated pieces of embroidery, and it's a great choice for those who prefer a minimalist or monochromatic aesthetic.

Steampunk Monochrome Owl Counted Cross Stitch Pattern...
This monochrome Steampunk Owl is a counted cross stitch pattern that will be both easy to read and fun to stitch! This is a digital download that also works in the Pattern Keeper app.Stitch Count - 225 x 309DMC Colors Used: 1The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out. However, you can choose any color fabric you'd like!Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric. You'll need extra fabric around the pattern to allow for framing needs. The following table calculates how much fabric you'll need for this specific pattern based on the fabric count you choose and how much extra framing fabric you want.
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
17" x 23"
21" x 27"
23" x 29"
18 ct
13" x 18"
17" x 25"
19" x 27"
25 ct
9" x 13"
13" x 17"
15" x 19"
28 ct
8" x 11"
12" x 15"
14" x17"
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length usedThis PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.Digital PDF Download will be available from the sales page directly after purchasing or via a download link sent via email. PDF Files integrate well with the app Pattern Keeper if needed. Monochrome cross-stitch patterns can be quite intricate and beautiful, even with the limitation of using just one color. The shading and depth in the design are achieved by using different shades and intensities of the chosen color, as well as varying the density and direction of the stitches. This type of pattern is often used to create subtle and sophisticated pieces of embroidery, and it's a great choice for those who prefer a minimalist or monochromatic aesthetic.

Vintage Fancy Lady Counted Cross Stitch Pattern...
This monochrome Vintage Woman is a counted cross stitch pattern that will be both easy to stitch and quick. The pattern is very easy to read and is suitable for even a beginner cross-stitch enthusiast.This is a digital download that also works in the Pattern Keeper app.Stitch Count - 63 x 263DMC Colors Used: 1The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out. However, you can choose any color fabric you'd like!Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric. You'll need extra fabric around the pattern to allow for framing needs. The following table calculates how much fabric you'll need for this specific pattern based on the fabric count you choose and how much extra framing fabric you want.
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
5" x 18"
9" x 22"
11" x 24"
18 ct
4" x 15"
8" x 19"
10" x 21"
25 ct
3" x 11"
7" x 15"
9" x 17"
28 ct
3" x 10"
7" x 14"
9" x 16"
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length usedThis PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.Digital PDF Download will be available from the sales page directly after purchasing or via a download link sent via email. PDF Files integrate well with the app Pattern Keeper if needed. Monochrome cross-stitch patterns can be quite intricate and beautiful, even with the limitation of using just one color. The shading and depth in the design are achieved by using different shades and intensities of the chosen color, as well as varying the density and direction of the stitches. This type of pattern is often used to create subtle and sophisticated pieces of embroidery, and it's a great choice for those who prefer a minimalist or monochromatic aesthetic.

Basilica Cross Stitch Pattern | Architecture Monochrome...
This monochrome Basilica is a counted cross stitch pattern that will be both easy to stitch and quick. The pattern is very easy to read and is suitable for even a beginner cross-stitch enthusiast.
In Ancient Rome, basilicas were large, multifunctional public buildings near the town's forum, equivalent to Greek stoas. Post-Nicene, they became the standard for Christian worship spaces across the Mediterranean and Europe. While still prevalent in church architecture across various Christian denominations in Europe and the Americas, their dominance has waned since the late 20th century. The Catholic Church now uses "basilica" mainly for historically significant churches, regardless of architectural style.This is a digital download that also works in the Pattern Keeper app.Stitch Count - 380 x 280DMC Colors Used: 1The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out. However, you can choose any color fabric you'd like!Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric. You'll need extra fabric around the pattern to allow for framing needs.
The following table calculates how much fabric you'll need for this specific pattern based on the fabric count you choose and how much extra framing fabric you want.
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
28" x 20"
32" x 24"
34" x 26"
18 ct
22" x 16"
26" x 20"
28" x 22"
25 ct
16" x 12"
20" x 16"
22" x 18"
28 ct
14" x 10"
18" x 14"
20" x 16"
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length usedThis PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.Digital PDF Download will be available from the sales page directly after purchasing or via a download link sent via email. PDF Files integrate well with the app Pattern Keeper if needed. Monochrome cross-stitch patterns can be quite intricate and beautiful, even with the limitation of using just one color. The shading and depth in the design are achieved by using different shades and intensities of the chosen color, as well as varying the density and direction of the stitches. This type of pattern is often used to create subtle and sophisticated pieces of embroidery, and it's a great choice for those who prefer a minimalist or monochromatic aesthetic.

Chicago Riverwalk Counted Cross-Stitch Pattern | Monochrome...
The Chicago River is actually a collection of waterways that run throughout downtown Chicago and the surrounding areas. This particular cross stitch pattern depicts one of the most iconic portions of the Chicago Riverwalk in a monochrome/black and white appearance. This is a digital download that also works in the Pattern Keeper app Easy to read cross stitch, modern cross stitch, Counted cross stitchStitch Count -320 x 460DMC Colors Used: 1The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out. However, you can choose any color fabric you'd like!Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest half-inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 10.5" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric.
You'll need extra fabric around the stitched pattern to allow for framing needs. The following table calculates how much fabric you'll need for this specific pattern based on the fabric count you choose and how much extra framing fabric you want.
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
23" x 33"
27" x 37"
29" x 39"
18 ct
18" x 26"
22" x 30"
24" x 32"
25 ct
13" x 19"
17" x 23"
19" x 25"
28 ct
12" x 17"
16" x 21"
18" x 23"
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length usedThis PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.Monochrome cross-stitch patterns can be quite intricate and beautiful, even with the limitation of using just one color. The shading and depth in the design are achieved by using different shades and intensities of the chosen color, as well as varying the density and direction of the stitches. This type of pattern is often used to create subtle and sophisticated pieces of embroidery, and it's a great choice for those who prefer a minimalist or monochromatic aesthetic.

Cool Racoon Monochrome Counted Cross-Stitch Pattern Instant...
Check out this well-dressed young Racoon cross-stitch pattern! What an amazing addition to any cross-stitcher's stash! This is a digital download that also works in the Pattern Keeper app Easy to read cross stitch, modern cross stitch, Counted cross stitchStitch Count - 240 x 300DMC Colors Used: 1The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out. However, you can choose any color fabric you'd like!Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric.
You'll need extra fabric around the stitched pattern to allow for framing needs. The following table calculates how much fabric you'll need for this specific pattern based on the fabric count you choose and how much extra framing fabric you want.
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
18" x 22"
22" x 26"
24" x 28"
18 ct
14" x 17"
18" x 21"
20" x 23"
25 ct
10" x 12"
14" x 16"
16" x 18"
28 ct
9" x 11"
13" x 15"
15" x 17"
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length usedThis PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.Monochrome cross-stitch patterns can be quite intricate and beautiful, even with the limitation of using just one color. The shading and depth in the design are achieved by using different shades and intensities of the chosen color, as well as varying the density and direction of the stitches. This type of pattern is often used to create subtle and sophisticated pieces of embroidery, and it's a great choice for those who prefer a minimalist or monochromatic aesthetic.
Digital PDF Download will be available from the sales page directly after purchasing or via a download link sent via email. PDF Files integrate well with the app Pattern Keeper if needed.

Grumpy Gnome Monochrome Blackwork Cross-Stitch Pattern Instant...
This grumpy little Gnome is the perfect counted cross-stitch pattern for the intermediate stitcher. Only full cross-stitches are used. Do you use Pattern Keeper? This pattern (and all of the rest of my patterns) work great in that app!The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out.This is not a full-coverage cross stitch pattern. Stitching only the black parts on a light-colored fabric.This is a fun stitch. It goes fast because you're using just one color. Moreover, once you've finished this cross stitch pattern, your friends and family won't believe it's cross stitch! The unique method of making this pattern gives it a 3-D look that will boggle your mind. You've never stitched anything like this.Stitch Count: 151 x 270How much fabric do you need? Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric.
You'll need extra fabric around the stitched pattern to allow for framing needs. The following table calculates how much fabric you'll need for this specific pattern based on the fabric count you choose and how much extra framing fabric you want.
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
11" x 20"
15" x 24"
17" x 26"
18 ct
9" x 15"
13" x 19"
15" x 21"
25 ct
6" x 11"
10" x 15"
12" x 17"
28 ct
6" x 10"
10" x 14"
12" x 16"
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length usedThis PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.Monochrome cross-stitch patterns can be quite intricate and beautiful, even with the limitation of using just one color. The shading and depth in the design are achieved by using different shades and intensities of the chosen color, as well as varying the density and direction of the stitches. This type of pattern is often used to create subtle and sophisticated pieces of embroidery, and it's a great choice for those who prefer a minimalist or monochromatic aesthetic.
Digital PDF Download will be available from the sales page directly after purchasing or via a download link sent via email. PDF Files integrate well with the app Pattern Keeper if needed.

Ranch Farmhouse Counted Cross-Stitch Pattern | Monochrome...
This counted cross-stitch pattern depicts a dirt roadway leading up to a country ranch house. If you ike the overall image but want a smaller pattern, there's a light sepia-colorized version here. Do you use Pattern Keeper? This pattern (and all of the rest of my patterns) work great in that app!The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out.This is not a full-coverage cross stitch pattern. Stitching only the black parts on a light-colored fabric.This is a fun stitch. It goes fast because you're using just one color. Moreover, once you've finished this cross stitch pattern, your friends and family won't believe it's cross stitch! The unique method of making this pattern gives it a 3-D look that will boggle your mind. You've never stitched anything like this.Stitch Count: 260 x 380How much fabric do you need? Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric.
You'll need extra fabric around the stitched pattern to allow for framing needs. The following table calculates how much fabric you'll need for this specific pattern based on the fabric count you choose and how much extra framing fabric you want.
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
19" x 28"
23" x 32"
25" x 34"
18 ct
15" x 22"
19" x 26"
21" x 28"
25 ct
11" x 16"
15" x 20"
17" x 22"
28 ct
10" x 14"
14" x 18"
16" x 20"
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length usedThis PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.
Digital PDF Download will be available from the sales page directly after purchasing or via a download link sent via email. PDF Files integrate well with the app Pattern Keeper if needed.

Hands Kneading Dough Monochrome Blackwork Cross-Stitch Pattern...
This cross-stitch pattern depicts a pair of older hands working some dough. This is a great pattern for anyone who wants to honor a parent or grandparent who may have made many sweet treats for them in prior years.Do you use Pattern Keeper? This pattern (and all of the rest of my patterns) work great in that app!The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out.This is not a full-coverage cross stitch pattern. Stitching only the black parts on a light-colored fabric.This is a fun stitch. It goes fast because you're using just one color. Moreover, once you've finished this cross stitch pattern, your friends and family won't believe it's cross stitch! The unique method of making this pattern gives it a 3-D look that will boggle your mind. You've never stitched anything like this.Stitch Count: 290 x 190How much fabric do you need? Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric.
You'll need extra fabric around the stitched pattern to allow for framing needs. The following table calculates how much fabric you'll need for this specific pattern based on the fabric count you choose and how much extra framing fabric you want.
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
21" x 14"
25" x 18"
27" x 20"
18 ct
17" x 11"
21" x 15"
23" x 17"
25 ct
12" x 8"
16" x 12"
18" x 14"
28 ct
11" x 7"
15" x 11"
17" x 13"
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length usedThis PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.

Frankenstein Monster Classic Horror Monochrome Cross Stitch...
This cross-stitch pattern is of Frankenstein's monster (most people just call him Frankenstein), one of the most iconic classic horror movie icons of all-time. Do you use Pattern Keeper? This pattern (and all of the rest of my patterns) work great in that app!The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out.This is not a full-coverage cross stitch pattern. Stitching only the black parts on a light-colored fabric.This is a fun stitch. It goes fast because you're using just one color. Moreover, once you've finished this cross stitch pattern, your friends and family won't believe it's cross stitch! The unique method of making this pattern gives it a 3-D look that will boggle your mind. You've never stitched anything like this.Stitch Count: 220 x 310How much fabric do you need? Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric.
You'll need extra fabric around the stitched pattern to allow for framing needs. The following table calculates how much fabric you'll need for this specific pattern based on the fabric count you choose and how much extra framing fabric you want.
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
16" x 23"
20" x 27"
22" x 29"
18 ct
13" x 18"
17" x 22"
19" x 24"
25 ct
9" x 13"
13" x 17"
15" x 19"
28 ct
8" x 12"
12" x 16"
14" x 18"
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length usedThis PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.
Digital PDF Download will be available from the sales page directly after purchasing or via a download link sent via email. PDF Files integrate well with the app Pattern Keeper if needed.

Tabby Cat Cross-Stitch Pattern | Feline Cross...
This gorgeous blackwork (using just black floss to stitch) depicts a tabby cat looking away from the viewer. Based on the fabric chosen, you could stitch this pattern as different color tabby cats.Do you use Pattern Keeper? This pattern (and all of the rest of my patterns) work great in that app!The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out.This is not a full-coverage cross stitch pattern. Stitching only the black parts on a light-colored fabric.This is a fun stitch. It goes fast because you're using just one color. Moreover, once you've finished this cross stitch pattern, your friends and family won't believe it's cross stitch! The unique method of making this pattern gives it a 3-D look that will boggle your mind. You've never stitched anything like this.Stitch Count: 180 x 180Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric.
You'll need extra fabric around the stitched pattern to allow for framing needs. The following table calculates how much fabric you'll need for this specific pattern based on the fabric count you choose and how much extra framing fabric you want.
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
13" x 13"
17" x 17"
19" x 19"
18 ct
10" x 10"
14" x 14"
16" x 16"
25 ct
8" x 8"
12" x 12"
14" x 14"
28 ct
7" x 7"
11" x 11"
13" x 13"
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length used
Digital PDF Download will be available from the sales page directly after purchasing or via a download link sent via email. PDF Files integrate well with the app Pattern Keeper if needed.

Steel Railway Premium Monochrome Cross Stitch Pattern...
This gorgeous blackwork (using just black floss to stitch) depicts a railway surrounded by a steel framework. Do you use Pattern Keeper? This pattern (and all of the rest of my patterns) work great in that app!The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out.This is not a full-coverage cross stitch pattern. Stitching only the black parts on a light-colored fabric.This is a fun stitch. It goes fast because you're using just one color. Moreover, once you've finished this cross stitch pattern, your friends and family won't believe it's cross stitch! The unique method of making this pattern gives it a 3-D look that will boggle your mind. You've never stitched anything like this.Stitch Count: 360 x 400Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric.
You'll need extra fabric around the stitched pattern to allow for framing needs. The following table calculates how much fabric you'll need for this specific pattern based on the fabric count you choose and how much extra framing fabric you want.
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
26" x 29"
30" x 33"
32" x 35"
18 ct
20" x 23"
24" x 27"
26" x 29"
25 ct
15" x 16"
19" x 20"
21" x 22"
28 ct
13" x 15"
17" x 19"
19" x 21"
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length usedThis PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.
Digital PDF Download will be available from the sales page directly after purchasing or via a download link sent via email. PDF Files integrate well with the app Pattern Keeper if needed.

Scorpion Monochrome Blackwork Cross Stitch Pattern |...
Scorpion Monochrome Blackwork Cross Stitch Pattern | Instant PDF DownloadDo you use Pattern Keeper? This pattern (and all of the rest of my patterns) work great in that app!The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out.This is not a full-coverage cross stitch pattern. Stitching only the black parts on a light-colored fabric.This is a fun stitch. It goes fast because you're using just one color. Moreover, once you've finished this cross stitch pattern, your friends and family won't believe it's cross stitch! The unique method of making this pattern gives it a 3-D look that will boggle your mind. You've never stitched anything like this.Stitch Count: 206 x 307How much fabric do you need? Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric.
You'll need extra fabric around the stitched pattern to allow for framing needs. The following table calculates how much fabric you'll need for this specific pattern based on the fabric count you choose and how much extra framing fabric you want.
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
15" X 22"
19" x 26"
21" x 28"
18 ct
12" X 17"
16" x 21"
18" x 23"
25 ct
9" x 13"
13" x 17"
15" x 19"
28 ct
8" x 11"
12" x 15"
14" x 17"
Included in this easy-to read pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length used
Digital PDF Download will be available from the sales page directly after purchasing or via a download link sent via email. PDF Files integrate well with the app Pattern Keeper if needed.

Louis Armstrong Jazz Trumpet Musician Monochrome Counted...
Louis Armstrong Jazz Trumpet Musician Monochrome Counted Cross Stitch Pattern PDF Digital Download Pattern Keeper ReadyThis high-quality, counted cross stitch pattern is easy to follow and, upon completion, will be a beautiful piece of art to decorate your home or to give as a memorable gift.Easy cross stitch, modern cross stitch, Counted cross stitchStitch Count: 395 x 235DMC Colors Used: 1The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out. However, you can choose any color fabric you'd like!Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest half-inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 10.5" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric.
Don't forget to add at least a few inches to the overall width and length of the fabric to give yourself enough room for framing!Fabric Area Stitched:14 Ct Fabric - 28.5" X 17"18 Ct Fabric - 23" X 13"25 Ct Fabric - 16" x 9.5"Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length usedThis PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.

Giraffe Selfie Monochrome Cross Stitch Pattern PDF...
Giraffe Wildlife Animal Monochrome Cross Stitch Embroidery Needlepoint Pattern PDF Download This is a digital download that also works in the Pattern Keeper app.Easy cross stitch, modern cross stitch, Counted cross stitchStitch Count - 350 x 350DMC Colors Used: 1The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out. However, you can choose any color fabric you'd like!Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest half-inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 10.5" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric. Don't forget to add at least a few inches to the overall width and length of the fabric to give yourself enough room for framing!Fabric Area Stitched:14 Ct Fabric - 25" X 25"18 Ct Fabric - 19.5" X 19.5"25 Ct Fabric - 14" x 14"Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length usedThis PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.

Koala Bear Animal Wildlife Monochrome Cross Stitch...
Koala Bear Animal Wildlife Monochrome Cross Stitch Embroidery Needlepoint Pattern PDF DownloadThis is a digital download!! Instant PDF Download Ready For Pattern KeeperEasy cross stitch, modern cross stitch, Counted cross stitchStitch Count - 276 x 206DMC Colors Used: 1The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out. However, you can choose any color fabric you'd like!Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest half-inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 10.5" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric. Don't forget to add at least a few inches to the overall width and length of the fabric to give yourself enough room for framing!Fabric Area Stitched:14 Ct Fabric - 20" X 15"18 Ct Fabric - 15.5" X 11.5"25 Ct Fabric - 11" x 8.5"Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length usedThis PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.

Otter Animal Wildlife Monochrome Blackwork Counted Cross...
This gorgeous Otter is a monochrome counted cross-stitch pattern. The pattern is very easy to read and uses only full cross-stitches. You are stitching one color of floss onto a light-colored fabric so you are doing less stitches than you may think. This is a digital download that also works in the Pattern Keeper app.
Stitch Count - 230 x 215
DMC Colors Used: 1
The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out. However, you can choose any color fabric you'd like!
Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric. Don't forget to add at least a few inches to the overall width and length of the fabric to give yourself enough room for framing!
Basic Pattern14 ct Fabric - 17" x 16"18 ct Fabric - 13" x 12"25 ct Fabric - 10" x 9"
3" Of Extra Fabric Added For Framing14 ct Fabric - 23" x 22"18 ct Fabric - 19" x 18"25 ct Fabric - 16" x 15"
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length used
This PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.
Monochrome cross-stitch patterns can be quite intricate and beautiful, even with the limitation of using just one color. The shading and depth in the design are achieved by using different shades and intensities of the chosen color, as well as varying the density and direction of the stitches. This type of pattern is often used to create subtle and sophisticated pieces of embroidery, and it's a great choice for those who prefer a minimalist or monochromatic aesthetic.

Dueling Dragons Fantasy Creatures Monochrome Blackwork Counted...
This Dueling Dragons monochrome counted cross-stitch pattern requires only full cross-stitches. As complex as it may look, the pattern is very easy to read, uses just one color of floss, and will be an amazing new project for the experienced stitcher.
This is a digital download that also works in the Pattern Keeper app
Stitch Count - 336 x 228
DMC Colors Used: 1
The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out. However, you can choose any color fabric you'd like!
Basic Pattern14 ct Fabric - 24" x 17"18 ct Fabric - 19" x 13"25 ct Fabric - 14" x 10"
3" Of Extra Fabric Added For Framing14 ct Fabric - 30" x 23"18 ct Fabric - 25" x 19"25 ct Fabric - 20" x 16"
Dimensions are round up to nearest full inch to help ensure enough fabric is used.
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length used
This PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.
Monochrome cross-stitch patterns can be quite intricate and beautiful, even with the limitation of using just one color. The shading and depth in the design are achieved by using different shades and intensities of the chosen color, as well as varying the density and direction of the stitches. This type of pattern is often used to create subtle and sophisticated pieces of embroidery, and it's a great choice for those who prefer a minimalist or monochromatic aesthetic.

Goat Animal Clothes Sweater Funny Monochrome Blackwork...
This Goat In A Sweater counted cross-stitch pattern is filled with stitching requiring only full cross-stitches. As complex as it may look, the pattern is very easy to read, uses just one color of floss, and will be an amazing new project for the experienced stitcher.
This is a digital download that also works in the Pattern Keeper app
Stitch Count - 230 x 230
DMC Colors Used: 1
The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out. However, you can choose any color fabric you'd like!
Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest half-inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 10.5" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric. Don't forget to add at least a few inches to the overall width and length of the fabric to give yourself enough room for framing!
Basic Pattern14 ct Fabric - 17" x 17"18 ct Fabric - 13" x 13"25 ct Fabric - 10" x 10"28 ct Fabric - 9" x 9"
2" Of Extra Fabric Added For Framing14 ct Fabric - 21" x 21"18 ct Fabric - 17" x 17"25 ct Fabric - 14" x 14"28 ct Fabric - 13" x 13"
3" Of Extra Fabric Added For Framing14 ct Fabric - 23" x 23"18 ct Fabric - 19" x 19"25 ct Fabric - 16" x 16"28 ct Fabric - 15" x 15"
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length used
This PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.
Monochrome cross-stitch patterns can be quite intricate and beautiful, even with the limitation of using just one color. The shading and depth in the design are achieved by using different shades and intensities of the chosen color, as well as varying the density and direction of the stitches. This type of pattern is often used to create subtle and sophisticated pieces of embroidery, and it's a great choice for those who prefer a minimalist or monochromatic aesthetic.

Cowboy Skeleton Dance Spooky Halloween Funny Monochrome...
This monochrome Cowboy Skeleton Dance is a fun counted cross-stitch pattern that will be an awesome additiontoyourcollection. The pattern is very easy to read and uses only full cross-stitches. It is suitable for an intermediate level cross-stitch enthusiast.
This is a digital download that also works in the Pattern Keeper app.
Stitch Count - 341 x 239
DMC Colors Used: 1
The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out. However, you can choose any color fabric you'd like!
Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric. Don't forget to add at least a few inches to the overall width and length of the fabric to give yourself enough room for framing!
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
25" x 18"
29" x 22"
31" x 24"
18 ct
19" x 14"
23" x 18"
25" x 20"
25 ct
14" x 10"
18" x 14"
20" x 16"
28 ct
13" x 9"
17" x 13"
19" x 15"
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length used
This PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.
Monochrome cross-stitch patterns can be quite intricate and beautiful, even with the limitation of using just one color. The shading and depth in the design are achieved by using different shades and intensities of the chosen color, as well as varying the density and direction of the stitches. This type of pattern is often used to create subtle and sophisticated pieces of embroidery, and it's a great choice for those who prefer a minimalist or monochromatic aesthetic.

Yorkshire Terrier Yorkie Dog Monochrome Counted Cross-Stitch...
This monochrome Yorkshire Terrier is a counted cross stitch pattern that uses only full cross-stitches, one color of floss, and is suitable for an intermediate cross-stitcher. The pattern will be very easy to read.
This is a digital download that also works in the Pattern Keeper app.
Stitch Count - 193 x 228
DMC Colors Used: 1
The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out. However, you can choose any color fabric you'd like!
Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric. Don't forget to add at least a few inches to the overall width and length of the fabric to give yourself enough room for framing!
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
14" x 16"
18" x 20"
20" x 22"
18 ct
11" x 13"
15" x 17"
17" x 19"
25 ct
8" x 9"
12" x 13"
14" x 15"
28 ct
7" x 8"
11" x 12"
13" x 14"
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length used
This PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.
Monochrome cross-stitch patterns can be quite intricate and beautiful, even with the limitation of using just one color. The shading and depth in the design are achieved by using different shades and intensities of the chosen color, as well as varying the density and direction of the stitches. This type of pattern is often used to create subtle and sophisticated pieces of embroidery, and it's a great choice for those who prefer a minimalist or monochromatic aesthetic.

Great Dane Dog Monochrome Counted Cross-Stitch Pattern...
This is a counted cross-stitch pattern that depicts an adult Great Dane dog looking at the stitcher. This monochrome pattern uses just one color of floss, full cross-stitches, and is very easy to read and understand.
This is a digital download that also works in the Pattern Keeper app.
Stitch Count - 260 x 260
DMC Colors Used: 1
The pattern is stitched with just one color - I recommend DMC 310 (black) but any dark color will do. I highly recommend stitching it on a white fabric as the white background will help to highlight the pattern and really make it stand out. However, you can choose any color fabric you'd like!
Stitching areas are rounded up to the nearest full inch (example a pattern that is 10.35" x 10.72" is rounded to 11" x 11") to ensure you get enough fabric. Don't forget to add at least a few inches to the overall width and length of the fabric to give yourself enough room for framing!
Pattern Only
2" Extra Fabric
3" Extra Fabric
14 ct
19" x 19"
23" x 23"
25" x 25"
18 ct
15" x 15"
19" x 19"
21" x 21"
25 ct
11" x 11"
15" x 15"
17" x 17"
28 ct
10" x 10"
14" x 14"
16" x 16"
Included in this easy-to read-PDF pattern:- printable version of final stitched product- black and white symbol chart- page layout- color floss legend with DMC length used
This PDF counted cross stitch pattern available for instant download. No fabric, floss, or materials are included with this purchase.
Monochrome cross-stitch patterns can be quite intricate and beautiful, even with the limitation of using just one color. The shading and depth in the design are achieved by using different shades and intensities of the chosen color, as well as varying the density and direction of the stitches. This type of pattern is often used to create subtle and sophisticated pieces of embroidery, and it's a great choice for those who prefer a minimalist or monochromatic aesthetic.